A New Year, a new series of health camps

Providing free medical care in rural Nepal

With the dawning of the New Year, planning for our 2015 Health Camps steps up a gear as our team starts coming together, and the list of things ‘to do’ gets ever longer.

While a little early to confirm the Nepali healthcare team, our international medical team is coming along nicely and to date comprises of our Medical Director, Family Physician Dr Del, a Physiotherapist, 2 Midwives, a Pharmacist, an Optometrist, a Paediatrician and a Nurse.  We also have two non medical volunteers signed up and ready to join us.

This will be the 3rd year running these free health camps offering general health, eye, dental and midwifery services, alongside the first time provision of physiotherapy and body mechanics services to help the villagers alleviate the aches and pains of rural, farming life.

In 2013 we performed 1,830 consultations. Last year that almost doubled to 3,310.  Only time will tell what this year will bring.

We are eternally grateful to everyone who has signed up on this amazing adventure, giving their time and skills and are looking forward to meeting everyone in Nepal in April, on the dawn of the Nepali New Year.

These health camps are 100% funded by donations and fundraising events.  If you wish to support us in providing free medical care in rural Nepal, please click on the Donate button on the home page or contact info@himalayanquests.com.